17 October 2008

just randomness.

(that was just me practicing how to put a picture in a post... haha. and i love that one. that picture and that man, i mean. haha)

wow. where to start?

took a job as a youth leader at Concord. i'd say it's going great, but... our kick-off party is actually tomorrow! we're going to have a bonfire, complete with hot dogs and s'mores. :) it'll be great, just a fun time to get to know everyone.

having some (extended) family issues. i want to be optimistic without being unrealistic, but i hope they will be resolved very soon. can't go into more detail, just pray for it.

wedding plans are coming along, slowly. talked to a florist (don't need to make an appt til may), need to talk again to the guy we're looking to for our favors... lots of stuff left to do, but it seems to keep falling into place. i'm starting to think we should have scheduled it THIS autumn instead...

should start looking at decorations and such, a friend of dan's got married a few months back and had the same colors, so i need to talk to her about decorations. not much other wedding stuff... trying to make some decisions on save-the-date cards (why does that abbreviate: std??) bc we'd like to have a picture included, but it costs more to do that... hopefully we'll figure out something soon for it.

my great-aunt passed away on tuesday. i don't think i've seen her since i was around 10... she taught us how to crochet and knit and such. aunt foofie. she was 93. i always thought she was so cool. what sucks is that we found out from the obit yesterday. viewing and such is tomorrow, then we've invited the family back here for a wake-type lunch.

anyway, it's just been other random happenings lately. still looking for a job. something i can like doing actually. maybe God's just calling me to youth ministry for a while? i dunno. still trying to figure all that out. applied a few places recently, but haven't heard anything. dan was great helping me redo my resume (more acurately, redoing my resume for me).

... just been pretty stressed out lately. *sigh*

take care of you for me.

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