27 April 2009

365th <3

so, over a month... i guess it's time to post a new blog. i've just been too busy, then too tired (from being so busy), to type anything. but i'm determined to write one tonight because i just had a fabulous day! :)

today marked the one year anniversary of when i met dan <3 last year on a sunday night i met him at praise band practice at church. :) and my life will never be the same. he is so wonderful to me, i cannot thank God enough for him! we've had our ups and downs, but we're committed to each other.

we both had very good and productive days today, topped it off with a very nice dinner out at houlihan's, then off to bb&b to finish registering. after spending 5-6 hours at target the other day registering, we've got our exercise in... it wasn't nearly so long tonight, but it's a heck of a lot of work! i think we're basically done now (i hope) 95 days til we're getting married! :) yay!

there was something else i wanted to mention here, but i can't remember what it was. brandy just informed me that mr. fox passed away... and that's all i can think about right now. he was one of my high school history teachers... one of my favorite classes. :( it seems like there are a lot of people dying lately... makes me miss my brother more. *sigh*

take care of you for me.

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