16 August 2010

a new phase

school is about to begin again. i have been working there for almost a whole year (28 sept it will be a year). this year, though, i will be teaching! i'm very excited! :) i'm a little nervous... inservices start in just a couple days, and next week is the first day of school!

it's amazing how God has used me. i never would have imagined my life going in this direction, but it is. it's not what i pictured myself doing when i thought about 'what i wanted to be when i grew up' [not that i am, by any means, grown up yet ;) ]

i recently found the most amazing chocolate chip cookie recipe. yummmm. it's not good and healthy for you, but they taste AMAZING! i only make them when i can give them away.

also have gotten into iced coffee of late. it's weird. i never liked my coffee as anything but piping hot. *shrugs* i guess it's just one of those things when your tastes change.

i started doing insulin. diabetes just makes everything more difficult. :o/

we're still looking for a place to live (our place has mold issues.) we've looked at a few places (houses, apts, condos) but still looking.

anyway, just wanted to do a quick update. :o)

take care of you for me.

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