19 August 2008

sike! now it's foreal...

okay, so i guess you can all disregard the previous post... i was so excited, i was certain it was going to work out. however, i was informed friday that i would not be hired for that position. at least not yet. i was so sure that was where i was supposed to be, but it doesn't look that way. instead, however, i got a call yesterday (monday) with a job offer! such a weird turn of events, but we all know God works in weird ways sometimes. :)

i've accepted the job at a daycare center in cranberry, working in the 2 year old room. :) i'm very excited about it! it wasn't exactly what i was looking for, but it will be a good experience, i believe. (except that they open at 6am, so that might be hard...) i'll definitely keep you updated on that, though. i'll be going in today to get paperwork and start the whole process. i'll have to get a physical and all that, and clearances before i can be with the kids.

in other news, mom and i are going to pick up my wedding dress on friday!! :) very exciting stuff! need to make appts with people to get things planned, still. haha. got the wedding party chosen and all that, so we're getting there. been spending a lot of time looking at reception ideas online, too. going to take some engagement pictures this weekend, i hope, so save the date cards will be going out reletively soon, too! we have officially decided on August 1, 2009 at 10am. it's a little early, but we really like that, and it will work out fine for a lunch reception. :) good for a hot day. so, things are just coming right along with that.

i'm going to go up to geneva on thursday and have lunch with tom, i'm sooo excited!! tom works maintenance there, and he is my 'dad' from geneva. haven't seen him too much, and i can't wait to get caught up with all that's been going on! :) hopefully going to make it to a football practice and see kernal, too. past few times i've been up, he hasn't been around.

everything just seems to be coming together lately. i'm feeling happier, more content with life in general. i can't wait to see what God's got planned :)

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