18 December 2008

i hate diabetes...

so much going on, i don't know where to start. dan's birthday is this sunday! :) last weekend we had a baby shower for brandy. i'm leaving next friday for north carolina with the bradys. which means christmas is next thursday!! a week from today!! wow! i'm basically done with shopping. i still need just a few more things, though.

i realized lately how poorly i've been caring for my diabetes. i'm kinda just tired of it, but i know i can't just wish it away. been working hard to exercise even more each day and eating better. back to really counting carbs and stuff. it's always hard when people around you aren't doing the same. don't get me wrong, i'm happy with the weight that i've lost, but... i know i need to keep losing if i want to get healthy.

i think that's what's been stressing me out most, lately. i was having issues with my sugar spiking and then dropping so low that i could barely function. i know that's how you get long-term damage and i need to stop that from happening. so, i've had to get much stricter with my food intake. especially this time of year, with christmas cookies so readily available. and i know i can have one. but i need to keep it at just that - one.

been keeping up with youth goup planning, wedding planning... have a youth retreat next month. nothing much new on the wedding planning lately, just still "dreaming" up stuff that i like... i didn't realize how many decisions were involved in all this. haha no, it's been good, though. i can't wait to have both of our families together to celebrate. :) i love this man so much. <3

we've been doing a "secret sister" thing at church! it's so fun! :) it's like secret santa but it's only ladies in the church, and it goes all year long. of course, i can't tell you who i have (duh, it's a secret), but it's so fun to do.

so, that's about all for now, just figured i'd update, especially now that i'm not in such a funk (probably due to a lack of christmas cookies...)

take care of you for me.

11 December 2008


so, i feel as if i should post a new blog... it's been a while. i just kinda feel 'blah' lately, though. i want to write happy things, but i just don't feel like it. i'm almost done with Christmas shopping... youth group has been going okay. brandy and craig are coming up this weekend. :)

maybe that will cheer me up... to see some family.

*sigh* i just don't know.

i know i could list a bunch of things that are getting me down, but i can't imagine that that's all there is to it... a lot of little things bothering me. maybe that is it. every little stress of everything piling up. no wonder my shoulders hurt. that's a big load to lug around. anyway, maybe by the next blog i'll be out of this funk.

take care of you for me.

02 December 2008

a word of caution...

so, i got in my car after youth group tonight to come home. my windshield wasn't quite clear - not smudgy, but... spotty, y'know what i mean? the logical thing to do is spray some washer fluid and wipe it away. until it didn't get clearer. it actually started looking more smudgy at first. then i realized it was turning to ice before my eyes. no, really, right in front of my face. it was only then that i looked down and saw the temperature was only 27 degrees (this was around 945)!

while it looked kinda cool actually, i wouldn't suggest it. i had to sit and wait for the defrost to melt it all before i could see enough to drive. i should have figured... it's winter after all!

so, that's it for tonight. youth group was good. i do love those kids. i'm just torn about next summer's mission trip. i love to do mission work (hence the degree), but it's to west virginia... :( i'm sure they're nice people there... but, i already voted them out of the union. so, it's like an international trip, i guess... but, we'll see if that's where God's leading me. i know i'll be kinda busy next summer... something on the calendar for the beginning of august, i think... ;)

take care of you for me.

01 December 2008

workin hard

i've come to a conclusion lately. i need to show God that i can be faithful in the little things. every job i have applied for has fallen through. when i push for a job, i get fired. when i don't, i just plain don't get an interview. except for one job. i was hired as the youth leader at church. i know God has brought me to this. He has now made it clear to me that this is where He wants me - not out working somewhere else. at least for the time being. maybe something else will come along soon, but right now my job is as youth leader and i need to be faithful and work diligently at what He has led me to.

and, boy... does that include mistakes. just made a big one and i had to learn from it. *whew* but, there is forgiveness and now i know how to handle situations that might arise. the important thing is to keep a teachable attitude. keep in mind that God puts others in your path who know what they're doing and what they're talking about and allow them to direct you. He has placed so many good, Christian men and women in my life to help teach me and encourage me as i strive to do His will. what a great God! :)

take care of you for me.