18 November 2008

cold! (both kinds!)

i'm not ready for the snow. it's too cold out. it's around 28 degrees here. i'd like the snow a whole lot more if it didn't have to be so cold to have it. i know, i know, i'm living in the wrong state. dan and i will just have to take a vacation every winter... this winter we'll be going with his parents to visit his grandma in NC for a few days after Christmas. i hope it'll be warm out down there. not holding my breath because that will be the weekend they have a freak snow storm or something down there. haha.

i'm already feeling the effects of the weather change. i think i'm getting a cold! :( i'm hoping it passes quickly. i mean, c'mon, i've been taking my vitamins and stuff!

and we've got a retreat this weekend! up at the highlands. it's going to be cold, so i hope i'm not sick for it.

been working on some wedding stuff. save the date cards and like that. :) should be good. and dan and i have been working on a playlist for the reception and stuff. so, if you think of any good ones, let me know. we won't be having the chicken dance, the macarena, or the hokey pokey... just so ya know. i think everyone will be pleasantly surprised with what we do have, though... :) dan and i have a surprise! i'm sooo excited and i want to tell you, but.... i can't! come and be amazed!

okay, so that's about it for now... gotta go get me some decongestant...

take care of you for me

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